How to Prepare for Graduate School Entrance Exams in the United States

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Graduate school entrance exams play a crucial role in the admissions process for many universities in the United States. These exams assess a student’s readiness for advanced studies in various fields and are an important factor in determining admission to graduate programs. To succeed in these exams, it is essential to have a well-structured study plan and access to effective resources. In this article, we will discuss comprehensive strategies to help you prepare for graduate school entrance exams and increase your chances of success.

Understanding the Exam Format

To effectively prepare for graduate school entrance exams, it is vital to have a thorough understanding of the exam format. Each exam, such as the GRE or GMAT, has its own unique structure that consists of multiple sections assessing different skills. By familiarizing yourself with the sections, question types, and time limits, you can create a tailored study plan to address each component of the exam.

Types of Graduate School Entrance Exams

Before delving into the details of exam preparation, it is important to be aware of the different types of graduate school entrance exams commonly required by universities in the United States. The most widely recognized exams include:

  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE): The GRE assesses verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing skills.
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT): The GMAT measures skills relevant to business and management programs, including analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning.
  • Law School Admission Test (LSAT): The LSAT evaluates reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, and logical reasoning skills for admission to law schools.
  • Medical College Admission Test (MCAT): The MCAT is specifically designed for individuals seeking admission to medical schools and assesses critical thinking, problem-solving, and scientific knowledge.

It is important to understand the specific exam requirements for the graduate programs you are interested in and tailor your preparation accordingly.

Exam Sections and Question Types

Each graduate school entrance exam consists of different sections, and understanding the question types within each section is essential for effective preparation. Let’s explore the sections and question types commonly found in these exams:

Verbal Reasoning

The verbal reasoning section assesses your ability to understand written passages, analyze arguments, and draw logical conclusions. Question types may include reading comprehension, sentence equivalence, and text completion.

Quantitative Reasoning

The quantitative reasoning section evaluates your mathematical and problem-solving skills. It may include questions on arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. Some questions may require you to interpret and analyze data presented in tables or graphs.

Analytical Writing

The analytical writing section measures your ability to articulate complex ideas and arguments clearly. You will be required to write essays that analyze an issue and present an argument. It is crucial to practice structuring your essays and effectively conveying your thoughts within the given time constraints.

Integrated Reasoning

For exams like the GMAT, the integrated reasoning section evaluates your ability to analyze and synthesize information from different sources, such as tables, graphs, and text passages. It also assesses your ability to evaluate and interpret data presented in various formats.

Time Limits

Understanding the time limits for each section is crucial for efficient exam preparation. Time management is key to completing all the questions within the given timeframe. Allocate sufficient time to practice answering questions in each section while adhering to the allotted time. This will help you develop a sense of pacing and ensure that you can complete the exam within the time constraints.

Creating a Study Plan

A well-structured study plan is essential for efficient and effective exam preparation. It provides a roadmap for your studies and helps you cover all the necessary content within your available time frame. To create a comprehensive study plan, follow these steps:

Evaluate Your Available Time

Begin by assessing the time you have available to dedicate to exam preparation. Consider your other commitments, such as work or academic responsibilities, and determine how many hours per day or week you can commit to studying. Be realistic about the time you can allocate to your preparation to ensure a balanced approach.

Divide Your Study Time

Divide your study time into manageable chunks to make your preparation more organized and focused. Allocate specific topics or sections for each study session. This approach will help you cover all the necessary content without feeling overwhelmed. For example, you could dedicate certain days to verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and integrated reasoning (if applicable).

Set Achievable Goals

Set realistic goals for each study session to maintain motivation and track your progress. Breaking down your preparation into smaller milestones will provide a sense of accomplishment and help you stay on track. For example, you could aim to complete a certain number of practice questions or review a specific number of chapters within a study session.

Consider Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Identify your strengths and weaknesses in different sections of the exam. This self-assessment will help you allocate more time to areas that require improvement. Focus on strengthening your weaker areas while maintaining your proficiency in the sections you excel in.

Create a Study Schedule

Based on your available time and the content you need to cover, create a study schedule that outlines the topics or sections you will study each day or week. Be specific with your study goals for each session to stay focused and ensure comprehensive coverage of the exam material.

Allow Time for Practice Tests

Incorporate practice tests into your study plan to assess your progress and get accustomed to the exam format. Set aside specific days or weeks to take full-length practice tests under simulated exam conditions. Practice tests will help you identify areas that require further improvement and familiarize yourself with the exam structure.

Gathering Study Materials

Acquiring reliable study materials is crucial for effective exam preparation. Comprehensive study materials will provide you with content review, sample questions, and test-taking strategies. Consider the following resources:

Official Exam Guides

Start by obtaining the official exam guide provided by the test administrators, such as Educational Testing Service (ETS) for the GRE or Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) for the GMAT. These guides offer an in-depth understanding of the exam format, question types, and content coverage. They often include practice questions and explanations.

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Commercial Study Guides

Commercial study guides, produced by reputable publishers, are valuable resources for exam preparation. These guides provide comprehensive content review, practice questions, and strategies specific to each exam. Look for guides that have positive reviews and are recommended by test takers who have achieved high scores.

Online Resources

The internet is a treasure trove of study materials and resources that can supplement your exam preparation. Explore websites that provide free or affordable study materials, such as Khan Academy, Magoosh, or the official exam websites. These resources often offer video lessons, practice questions, and study plans tailored to each exam.

Practice Tests

Practice tests are indispensable for familiarizing yourself with the exam format and assessing your readiness. Official practice tests provided by the exam administrators are highly recommended, as they closely resemble the actual exam. Additionally, commercial study guides and online resources often offer practice tests that simulate the exam environment.

Flashcards and Study Apps

Flashcards and study apps can be helpful tools for reviewing key concepts and vocabulary. Create your own flashcards or explore existing flashcard sets available online. Study apps, such as Quizlet or Anki, allow you to access flashcards on your mobile device, making it easy to review while on the go.

Additional Supplemental Materials

Depending on your specific needs and the exam you are preparing for, you may find additional supplemental materials helpful. These could include subject-specific books, online forums and communities, video tutorials, or specialized study courses. Consider your learning style and preferences when selecting additional resources.

Taking Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic tests are essential for assessing your current knowledge and identifying areas that require improvement. Taking a diagnostic test at the beginning of your preparation will serve as a baseline and help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Follow these steps to make the most of diagnostic tests:

Official Diagnostic Tests

Check if the exam administrators provide official diagnostic tests. These tests are designed to provide an accurate assessment of your current skill level and performance. They are often available for free or at a minimal cost. Official diagnostic tests are highly recommended as they align closely with the actual exam.

Commercial Diagnostic Tests

Commercial study guides and online resources often include diagnostic tests as part of their materials. These tests may not be official but can still provide valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses. They are designed to simulate the exam experience and help you identify specific areas for improvement.

Time Management

When taking a diagnostic test, allocate the same amount of time you would have in the actual exam for eachsection. This will help you practice time management and get a realistic sense of how much time you have for each question or section. Avoid spending too much time on any single question during the diagnostic test, as the goal is to assess your overall performance rather than achieving a perfect score.

Review and Analyze Results

After completing the diagnostic test, carefully review and analyze your results. Identify the areas where you performed well and the areas where you struggled. Look for patterns in your mistakes and weaknesses. This analysis will guide your study plan, allowing you to focus your efforts on areas that need improvement.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Based on your diagnostic test results, identify your strengths and weaknesses in each section of the exam. Recognizing your strengths will give you confidence and allow you to allocate more time to areas that require improvement. It is important to devote adequate study time to your weaker areas to ensure a well-rounded preparation.

Set Goals for Improvement

Set specific goals for improvement based on your diagnostic test results. For example, if you struggled with reading comprehension in the verbal reasoning section, you could set a goal to improve your speed and accuracy by practicing reading comprehension passages daily. Setting goals will help you stay focused and measure your progress over time.

Reviewing Basic Concepts

Graduate school entrance exams often test fundamental concepts in various subjects. Reviewing these basic concepts is essential for building a strong foundation and performing well on the exam. Here are some strategies to help you review the key concepts:

Subject-Specific Review

Identify the subjects or topics that are part of the exam syllabus and review them systematically. Dedicate time to refreshing your knowledge in areas such as mathematics, grammar, vocabulary, or scientific concepts, depending on the exam you are taking. Use study guides, textbooks, or online resources to review these subjects thoroughly.

Break Down Complex Concepts

If you encounter complex or unfamiliar concepts during your review, break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. Seek additional resources or explanations that simplify these concepts. Understanding the underlying principles and building a solid understanding of the basics will help you tackle more challenging questions on the exam.

Practice with Basic Questions

Start your preparation with basic questions to reinforce your understanding of fundamental concepts. Many study guides and online resources provide practice questions categorized by difficulty level. Begin by mastering the easier questions and gradually progress to more challenging ones. This approach will help you build confidence and strengthen your knowledge base.

Utilize Online Learning Platforms

Online learning platforms, such as Khan Academy or Coursera, offer a wide range of free or affordable courses in various subjects. These platforms provide video lessons, quizzes, and interactive exercises to reinforce your understanding of basic concepts. Take advantage of these resources to supplement your review and deepen your knowledge.

Seek Clarification

If you come across any concepts or topics that are particularly challenging or confusing, don’t hesitate to seek clarification. Reach out to professors, instructors, or online communities specialized in the subject area. Engaging in discussions and seeking clarification will help solidify your understanding and enhance your performance on the exam.

Practicing Time Management

Effective time management is crucial during the exam. Practicing time management techniques while studying will help you develop the necessary skills to complete the exam within the given time limits. Here are some strategies to improve your time management:

Simulate Exam Conditions

When practicing with practice tests or sample questions, simulate the exam conditions as closely as possible. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. Set strict time limits for each section and adhere to them strictly. This simulation will help you get accustomed to the pressure and time constraints of the actual exam.

Use Timers and Alarms

Use timers or alarms to keep track of time during your study sessions. Set specific time limits for each practice question or section and strive to complete them within the allotted time. This practice will help you develop a sense of pacing and ensure that you are not spending too much time on any single question.

Practice Speed Reading

Speed reading is a valuable skill that can significantly improve your efficiency in the verbal reasoning section. Practice reading passages quickly while still comprehending the main ideas and key details. Techniques such as skimming and scanning can help you read faster without sacrificing comprehension.

Identify Time-Consuming Questions

During your practice sessions, identify question types or topics that tend to consume more time than others. Recognizing these time-consuming questions will help you develop strategies to tackle them more efficiently. For example, if certain math problems take longer to solve, practice using shortcuts or alternative approaches to save time.

Learn to Prioritize

Not all questions carry the same weightage or difficulty level. Learning to prioritize questions based on their importance and difficulty will help you allocate your time more effectively. Skim through the questions at the beginning of each section and identify those that you can answer quickly and confidently. Answer these questions first and then allocate more time to challenging ones.

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Utilizing Online Resources

The internet offers an abundance of resources that can supplement your exam preparation. Online platforms, forums, and communities dedicated to graduate school entrance exams can provide valuable insights, practice materials, and support. Here’s how you can utilize online resources:

Official Exam Websites

Start by visiting the official websites of the exam administrators, such as ETS for the GRE or GMAC for the GMAT. These websites provide detailed information about the exams, including content outlines, sample questions, and practice tests. Familiarize yourself with the official resources and utilize them as a primary reference during your preparation.

Online Study Guides and Courses

Many websites and platforms offer free or affordable study guides and courses tailored to specific exams. These resources provide comprehensive content review, practice questions, and strategies to improve your performance. Explore websites like Magoosh, Kaplan, or Princeton Review for exam-specific study materials.

Video Tutorials and Lessons

Video tutorials and lessons can be incredibly helpful for visual learners. Platforms like Khan Academy or YouTube offer a wide range of video lessons covering various exam topics. Watch these videos to reinforce your understanding of key concepts and learn new strategies for approaching different question types.

Online Practice Questions

Practice questions are essential for exam preparation, and online platforms provide a vast collection of practice questions categorized by difficulty level and topic. Websites like 800score and Manhattan Prep offer extensive question banks for exams like the GRE and GMAT. Incorporate these practice questions into your study sessions to improve your skills and track your progress.

Engage in Online Communities

Joining online communities and forums dedicated to graduate school entrance exams can provide a supportive and interactive learning environment. Websites like Reddit or online forums specific to your exam, such as GRE Prep Club or GMAT Club, allow you to connect with fellow test-takers, share resources, and seek advice. Engaging in discussions and seeking feedback can enhance your understanding and provide valuable insights.

Joining Study Groups

Studying in a group setting can be beneficial for exam preparation. Joining or creating a study group with peers who are also preparing for the same exam can provide a collaborative learning experience. Here’s how you can make the most of study groups:

Find Like-Minded Peers

Look for individuals who are motivated and committed to preparing for the same exam. Seek out classmates, colleagues, or friends who share your academic goals and can contribute to a productive study group dynamic. Make sure the group members are reliable and willing to actively participate.

Establish Study Goals

Set clear study goals collectively as a group. Discuss the topics or sections you plan to cover during each study session and establish a study schedule that works for everyone. Having shared study goals and a structured plan will keep the group focused and on track.

Share Study Materials and Resources

Utilize the collective knowledge and resources of the study group. Share study materials, practice tests, and online resources that have been beneficial to individual members. This collaborative approach will broaden your access to study materials and ensure comprehensive coverage of the exam content.

Teach and Explain Concepts

Teaching concepts to others is an effective way to reinforce your own understanding and retention. Take turns explaining difficult concepts or solving practice questions to the group. Teaching others will help you solidify your knowledge and expose any gaps in your understanding that need further clarification.

Provide Support and Motivation

Studying for graduate school entrance exams can be challenging, and having a support system is crucial. Encourage and motivate each other throughout the preparation process. Celebrate each other’s achievements and provide support during difficult times. A positive and supportive study group can significantly enhance your preparation experience.

Seeking Professional Help

If you need additional guidance or find certain topics especially challenging, seeking professional help can be beneficial. Test prep companies and tutors specialize in helping students prepare for graduate school entrance exams. Here’s how you can make the most of professional assistance:

Research ReputableTest Prep Companies

Research and identify reputable test prep companies that offer services specific to the exam you are preparing for. Look for companies with positive reviews and a track record of helping students achieve high scores. Explore their offerings, such as in-person or online classes, private tutoring, or self-paced study programs.

Private Tutoring

Consider private tutoring if you prefer personalized guidance and one-on-one instruction. Private tutors can tailor their teaching approach to your specific needs, focusing on areas where you require the most improvement. They can provide individualized strategies, practice materials, and feedback to enhance your performance.

Test Prep Courses

Enroll in test prep courses offered by reputable companies or educational institutions. These courses often provide comprehensive content review, practice questions, and strategies for each section of the exam. They may also include simulated practice tests and access to study materials. Choose a course that aligns with your schedule and learning preferences.

Online Tutoring Platforms

Explore online tutoring platforms that connect you with professional tutors specializing in graduate school entrance exams. Websites like Wyzant or offer a wide range of tutors and allow you to schedule virtual tutoring sessions. Online tutoring provides flexibility and convenience, allowing you to receive guidance from the comfort of your own home.

Utilize Free Resources

Many test prep companies and professional tutors offer free resources, such as sample lessons, webinars, or study guides. Take advantage of these free resources to get a sense of their teaching style and determine if their approach aligns with your learning needs. These resources can supplement your self-study and provide valuable insights.

Taking Regular Breaks

While it is important to dedicate sufficient time to exam preparation, it is equally important to take regular breaks. Continuous studying without breaks can lead to burnout and reduced productivity. Here are some tips on incorporating breaks into your study routine:

Plan Breaks in Advance

Intentionally plan breaks in advance to ensure that you are incorporating them into your study schedule. Determine the duration and frequency of your breaks based on your personal preferences and study stamina. For example, you may choose to take a 5-10 minute break every hour or a longer break every few hours.

Engage in Physical Activity

Use your breaks as an opportunity to engage in physical activity. Take a short walk, do some stretching exercises, or engage in a quick workout. Physical activity can help refresh your mind, improve blood circulation, and increase focus when you return to your study session.

Take Mental Breaks

In addition to physical activity, incorporate mental breaks into your study routine. Engage in activities that relax your mind and provide a mental respite. This could include listening to music, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or engaging in a creative hobby. These mental breaks can help alleviate stress and improve overall well-being.

Avoid Procrastination

While breaks are important, it is crucial to strike a balance and avoid excessive procrastination. Set clear boundaries for your breaks and avoid getting distracted by unrelated activities. Use tools and techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for a set period of time and then take a short break, to maintain focus and productivity.

Listen to Your Body and Mind

Pay attention to your body and mind’s signals during your study sessions. If you find yourself feeling mentally fatigued or experiencing a lack of concentration, it may be a sign that you need a break. Pushing through exhaustion can lead to decreased efficiency and retention. Listen to your body and take breaks when needed.

Simulating Exam Conditions

As the exam date approaches, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the exam environment and conditions. Simulating exam conditions during your practice sessions will help you become more comfortable and confident on the actual test day. Here’s how you can simulate exam conditions:

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Find a Quiet and Distraction-Free Space

Choose a quiet and dedicated space for your practice sessions, free from distractions. Ensure that you have a comfortable chair, good lighting, and a clutter-free environment. Minimize interruptions by informing others around you of your study schedule and requesting their cooperation.

Set Strict Time Limits

Time yourself during your practice sessions using the same time limits as the actual exam. Use a timer or stopwatch to keep track of the time for each section. Adhere strictly to the allotted time for each question and section, as this will help you develop a sense of pacing and ensure that you can complete the exam within the given time limits.

Practice Full-Length Timed Tests

Incorporate full-length timed practice tests into your study plan. Set aside specific days or weeks to take complete practice tests under simulated exam conditions. This includes adhering to the time limits, taking breaks only as allowed during the actual exam, and following all the rules and regulations. Practicing full-length tests will help you build endurance and stamina for the actual exam day.

Eliminate Distractions

During your practice sessions, eliminate distractions that may be present during the actual exam. Silence your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and avoid accessing social media or other unrelated websites. Immersing yourself in a distraction-free environment will help you maintain focus and concentration during the exam.

Manage Test Anxiety

Simulating exam conditions can also help you manage test anxiety. By repeatedly exposing yourself to the stress and pressure of the exam environment during practice sessions, you can desensitize yourself to these feelings. Implement relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or positive visualization, to help calm your nerves and stay focused during the exam.

Analyzing Practice Tests

After completing practice tests, it is crucial to review your performance and analyze the results. Analyzing practice tests will help you identify areas for improvement and adjust your study plan accordingly. Here’s how you can effectively analyze your practice tests:

Thoroughly Review Correct and Incorrect Answers

Go through each question, whether you answered it correctly or incorrectly, and understand the reasoning behind the correct answer. For correct answers, reinforce your understanding of the underlying concepts and note any strategies or techniques that helped you arrive at the correct answer. For incorrect answers, identify the mistake you made and understand why your chosen answer was incorrect.

Identify Patterns in Mistakes

Look for patterns or common types of mistakes you make consistently. Are there specific question types or topics where you tend to struggle? Identifying patterns in your mistakes will help you understand your weaknesses and focus your efforts on those areas during your study sessions. It may indicate the need for additional content review or a change in your approach to certain question types.

Understand the Reasoning Behind Correct Answers

For questions you answered correctly, make sure you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer. This will help solidify your understanding of the concepts being tested and allow you to apply similar reasoning to similar questions in the future. Pay attention to any shortcuts or strategies used to arrive at the correct answer quickly.

Seek Clarification for Unfamiliar Concepts

If you encounter unfamiliar concepts or topics during your practice tests, make note of them and seek clarification. Review the relevant study materials, consult textbooks or online resources, or seek guidance from instructors or tutors. Understanding these concepts will help you confidently tackle similar questions in the actual exam.

Track Your Progress

Maintain a record of your practice test scores and track your progress over time. Regularly review your scores to gauge your improvement and identify areas that still require attention. Progress tracking will help you stay motivated and provide a sense of accomplishment as you see your scores improve with each practice test.

Staying Motivated

Preparing for graduate school entrance exams is a challenging and demanding process. Staying motivated throughout your preparation is crucial for maintaining focus and achieving success. Here are some strategies to help you stay motivated:

Set Clear Goals

Set clear and specific goals for your exam preparation. Break down your goals into smaller milestones that are achievable and trackable. Having a clear sense of what you want to accomplish will provide you with a sense of purpose and direction.

Visualize Your Success

Create a mental image of yourself succeeding in the exam and achieving your academic and career goals. Visualize the benefits and rewards that await you upon successfully completing the exam. This positive visualization can boost your motivation and help you stay focused during challenging study sessions.

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for achieving milestones in your study plan. Celebrate your progress by treating yourself to something you enjoy, such as a favorite meal, a movie night, or a day off from studying. These rewards provide positive reinforcement and help you maintain a positive mindset throughout your preparation.

Stay Positive

Maintain a positive attitude towards your preparation and believe in your capabilities. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it be supportive friends and family or motivational quotes and affirmations. Avoid negative self-talk and focus on your strengths and progress.

Find Study Techniques That Work for You

Experiment with different study techniques and find the ones that work best foryou. Not everyone learns and retains information in the same way, so it’s important to find study techniques that align with your learning style. Whether it’s visual aids, flashcards, group discussions, or mnemonic devices, discover the methods that help you grasp and remember the material effectively.

Take Care of Your Well-being

Remember to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy lifestyle during your exam preparation. Get sufficient sleep, eat nutritious meals, and engage in regular physical exercise. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being will ensure that you have the energy, focus, and resilience needed to tackle your studies.

Stay Organized

Maintaining an organized study environment and schedule can greatly contribute to your motivation and efficiency. Keep your study materials tidy and easily accessible. Use calendars, planners, or digital tools to map out your study plan and deadlines. When you have a clear and organized workspace, it becomes easier to stay motivated and focused.

Find a Support System

Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or fellow test-takers who understand the challenges you are facing. Share your goals and progress with them and seek their encouragement and support. Having a support system can provide the motivation and accountability you need to stay on track.

Take Inspiration from Others

Read success stories or watch interviews with individuals who have excelled in their graduate school entrance exams. Learn from their experiences, strategies, and tips. Hearing about the achievements of others can inspire you and reinforce your belief in your own abilities.

Stay Focused on the Bigger Picture

During challenging study sessions or moments of doubt, remind yourself of the bigger picture and the reasons why you are pursuing graduate studies. Reflect on your long-term goals and the opportunities that lie ahead once you successfully complete the exams. Keeping your ultimate aspirations in mind can provide the motivation and determination to push through difficult times.


Preparing for graduate school entrance exams requires dedication, organization, and strategic planning. By understanding the exam format, creating a well-structured study plan, and utilizing effective study resources, you can enhance your chances of achieving a high score. Remember to stay motivated, practice time management, and take care of your physical and mental well-being throughout the preparation process. With proper preparation and a positive mindset, you can confidently approach your graduate school entrance exams and take a significant step closer to achieving your academic and career goals.